Hi there! This website is still quite WIP!

Don't be surprised if something is a bit broken! It might be fixed soon, might not.
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    Name Title Modified
    blog blog 2024-09-23 17:54:39
    projects projects 2024-02-09 10:08:03

    Welcome to


    This is a blog, gallery and project website to present and document various achivements, both personal and career-wise, hosted by your local soft nerdy creatures.

    The topics presented here can cover a large range, from low-level endeavours such as microcontroller programming up to complex stacks of software, as well as various artistic expressions. Feel free to follow along and read up on these various writings!

    This article was created on 2024-09-17 22:58:19, last edited 2024-09-17 22:58:56, and was viewed 267 times~