Hi there! This website is still quite WIP!

Don't be surprised if something is a bit broken! It might be fixed soon, might not.
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Lucy's Todolist

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  • Lucy's TODOList

    This page is dedicated to a collection of all ideas being worked on for the Project Lucy fursuit. It is (hopefully) continually updated with a list of what we are doing in the project, but also serves as a pool of potential ideas or other ruminations~, for those interested in what is yet to be done.

    Below you will find the ideas, sorted under "Active Construction" for ideas currently being developed, "Confirmed" for ideas and things definitely being added to the suit, and "Daydreams" for a low-urgency list of ideas that may or may not be added, and were simply fun to think about :>

    Each sub-list is sorted further by the category it belongs to, such as hardware or software idea.


    A short summary of recently added/removed items to make it easier to keep up:

    Active Construction


    Confirmed Concepts



    Suit construction

    The suit construction of Lucy is still highly WIP, and involves various ideas for how to properly set up a comfortable, wearable suit - partial first, then Fullsuit.

    For the initial partial suit design, the following pieces are conceptualised:


    "Behavioural" ideas are concepts that affect the aesthetic/visual/audio design of the suit, and are in essence parts of the act of the suit or design concepts to work alongside.



    Effect ideas



    This article was created on 2024-09-29 00:16:00, last edited 2025-01-01 16:46:27, and was viewed 127 times~